The cabinet is down the previous staircase on the right. At the top turn right to see another staircase but don’t go up, instead look behind the staircase to find the key.

From where you spawn, go up the stairs on the right, then the next 2 sets of stairs all the way to the top (can only go one way upstairs). House Token #10 – The Library Annex > Central Hallįast travel to “Central Hall”. Go back up the last stairs and straight across to the other end of the room, go down the stairs there and turn right for the cabinet. From where you spawn, go down the stairs in front, then turn right, down the stairs, turn left to see the flying key. House Token #9 – The Library Annex > Central Hallįast travel to “Central Hall”. Now go down the stairs, go all the way to the very end to find the cabinet at the end of the stairs. Then turn left to see the flying key (as usual can cast Revelio to mark it blue). From where you spawn, go through the door straight in front of you. House Token #8 – The Library Annex > Potions Classroomįast travel to “Potions Classroom”. In the North-West corner of Great Hall go up the stairs to find it. The cabinet is on the right side of Great Hall. As usual you can highlight it with Revelio and follow the trail of the key. From where you spawn, turn left to find this flying key on the east-side of the Great Hall by the fireplace. House Token #7 – The Great Hall > Great Hallįast travel to “Great Hall”. In this new room you find the key flying in the middle and the cabinet downstairs on the right. Then go straight to go through the next big gate across from Great Hall. From where you spawn turn around and go through the two big exit gates of the Great Hall. House Token #6 – The Great Hall > Great Hallįast travel to “Great Hall”.

Turn around and head to the west-end of this courtyard area (check the HUD minimap where it shows the “W” letter for West), and follow the golden trail for the flying key as it shows you the path. Go up the set of stairs, then up the next stairs to the left. From where you spawn there will be a dragon-fountain and staircase in front of you. House Token #5 – The Grand Staircase > Quad Courtyardįast travel to “Quad Courtyard”. The cabinet is found after going all the way down the staircase, just keep following the spiral staircase until it stops and the cabinet will be in front of you, next to a puzzle door, before the entrance to Great Hall. Keep going all the way down, along the way you will pick up the flying key (after going downstairs 2 times). From where you spawn, turn right, then go down the stairs on the left. House Token #4 – The Grand Staircase > Grand Staircase Towerįast travel to “Grand Staircase Tower”. Keep following the staircase all the way to the top, along the way you will find the flying key and at the top is the cabinet. Behind the door is a staircase that keeps going up on the left. From where you spawn, turn left and go up the first set of stairs, then go straight through the door. House Token #3 – The Bell Tower Wing > Bell Tower Courtyardįast travel to “Bell Tower Courtyard”.